About Us

About This Site

Who We Are And Purpose Of Setting Up This Site

Logo On Ways To Look And Feel GreatThis is a sequel to our previous How To Look And Feel Great site.

While our last site focuses on general health and fitness, this one focuses on remedies, men and women’s health niches. 

Like our last site, besides information and tips, we will also be recommending various offers through relevant online learning programs and supplements that will help you achieve your goals faster and easier.

About Authors

Katherine McDolly

Blog AuthorBesides being this blog author, Katherine McDolly has been a full-time certified nutritionist, distributor and beautician in both networking company Nuskin Pharmanex and beauty salon dealing with health and beauty products especially for women.

She believes in order to live life to the fullest, being and staying healthy is the first and most critical step besides wealth, relationships and enjoy doing what you want.

Mark Kentbridge

Mark KentbridgeFormerly a certified fitness instructor in California Fitness center, Mark Kentbridge now runs his own private gym and fitness center for people of all ages and different levels to be and stay healthy.

Other than that, he is a strong advocate of exercise routines, healthy diets and meal plans as well.

Grace Young

Grace YoungCertified psychologist and spiritual healing advisor for children and adults from different walks of life.

Using a simple yet effective approach, she has transformed their lives from what seem hopeless to absolute confidence in managing what they do.









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