The master cleanse is a detoxification program that calls for nothing else than a special lemonade concoction and periodic salt water flushes to flush out your colon.
Paleo Meal
With many people shifting to a Paleo diet, there has been a growing desire for Paleo recipes.
Paleo meals are relatively simple and easy to make.
Paleo Foods
Following the Paleo diet is all about going back to the roots of our most ancient ancestors and adhering to their diet.
Back when cavemen walked the earth, they were hunters and gatherers eating the freshest of fruits, vegetables, and meats.
Paleo Diet Food Lists
Following the Paleo diet is all about going back to the roots of our most ancient ancestors and adhering to their diet.
Back when cavemen walked the earth, they were hunters and gatherers eating the freshest of fruits, vegetables, and meats.
Paleo Diet Information
The Paleo diet is all about improving the quality of your modern diet.
It is based on the theory that today’s genes are actually the result of life conditions that were formed more than a million years ago in our evolution — the era of the caveman.