Learning to recognize body language in yourself and others reveals stress from all different sources.
I think we can all agree, a relaxed person’s body language is quite different from that of someone who is stressed.
Undirected meditation can help with relaxing habitual actions.
Whether you call it quiet time, prayer, meditation, or self-hypnosis, calming the mind will certainly help when it comes to bringing balance into your life.
All great thinkers took time every day to confer with their higher self.
One way to reinforce the positive aspects of yourself and to support making changes in areas where you wish to improve undesirable behaviour is to make an asset list.
An asset list is not a list of material belongings, but a compilation of who you are or wish to become as a person.
Begin by taking a poster board, divide it into 2 sections.
In the left column, write the heading Who I Am.
On the right side, put the title, Who I Am Becoming Under Who I Am begin to list positive characteristics about yourself.
An Example:
Are You Kind, Courteous, Compassionate, Smart, Pretty, Honest, Self-Confident?
Be sure to list your accomplishments.
Keep it simple, with only a few words.
I think you can get the idea.
Under Who I Am Becoming, list those characteristics which you would like to improve upon or possess.
Examples include if you lack self-confidence, then write more confident.
If you find that you are angry, write more calm and understanding.
Are You Forgiving?
If so, put this on the Who I Am list, if not write it on Who I Am Becoming as more forgiving.
Only write down the positive on both sides of your asset list.
As you make the changes in your life and behaviors, move these assets to the Who I Am side.
Find a time and place where you will not be disturbed by the kids, dog, cat, spouse, neighbors, whomever.
Sit quietly.
Stare at your asset list and slowly take three deep breaths, letting each out slowly.
Then close your eyes and begin to think about yesterday.
From the time you woke up, to the time you went to sleep.
Include as much detail as you can remember.
Think about getting ready for the day, what you wore, what you ate for breakfast, etc.
If you had a meeting, did you feel inferior, superior, or angry?
How and when did these feelings come on and when did they leave, or did they?
Keep in mind, there is no yesterday, there is only selective memory of yesterday.
Yesterday is gone forever.
Then begin to think about tomorrow, in detail, and visualize getting up in the morning, getting dressed and going through the day.
Include accomplishing the items that have been left uncompleted.
Go through the entire day, paying attention to how you will handle the situations you might encounter.
In your mind, visualize tomorrow from the time you awaken until you go to sleep.
Keep in mind, there is no tomorrow, there is only hope for tomorrow.
For many of us, tomorrow will never come.
The objective here is to get into the NOW.
NOW is truly all that exists.
So as you let tomorrow go, begin to think of today.
Think of all that happened today and all the feelings you experienced as they came and went.
Concentrate on the details of today, up to the current moment.
This brings you into the NOW.
This process is also a good way to clear or still your mind.
Open your eyes and stare at your asset list and whatever words that draws your attention.
Stare for 10 – 12 seconds when it feels like enough time has passed, close your eyes and set your thoughts and mind free to think and wonder wherever and whatever it desires.
Do not sensor your thoughts and feelings in any way.
After these thoughts and feelings subside for a while, open your eyes and stare at your asset list again, and the words that capture your attention.
After 10-12 seconds, close your eyes and let your thoughts and mind go free.
Repeat opening and closing your eyes again, for a third time.
Each time you open and close your eyes, it takes you deeper into yourself where the answers to unasked questions lie below your conscious level of awareness.
Following this process, you begin to program yourself to become the person you seek and rid yourself of old programming that is often created by others.
After several weeks of this undirected meditation exercise, if you have a particular topic or subject matter you want to meditate on or resolve, write it on a post-it note.
Use only one word, if possible, if not keep it brief, less than a short sentence. Stick it on the palm of your hand, and then start the exercise.
Only after the third eye closure, simply stare at what you have written on the post-it that is stuck to the palm of your hand.
Let your thoughts and mind go free and uncensored.
Setting aside a time each day for meditation, will bring the positive changes in your life very quickly.
Created by yoga coach Katrina, MP3 Meditation Club is a membership site promoting all meditation-related online programs.
The reason why she created this membership site is because she found many people struggle to meditate properly and its importance on our mental well-being.